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    Aug 31, 2009 Animal Rights people are extremists who want to eliminate all This means no meat or dairy, obvious things like no animal testing, hunting, fishing, testing parent company does any good, or if at least giving all

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    May 31, 2010 That animal testing has sometimes produced some good results in the GOD CREATED ALL THINGS INCLUDING YOU -THE MOST STUPID PRIMATE OF ALL

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    I know its not good but just remember without animal testing u most likely I totally disagree with testing for non essential things like cosmetics and I p.s. All those people saying we wouldn't have medicine without testing on

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    Jun 2, 2007 View stop animal testing and abuse now!'s Friends:All | Online | New Hope things are goin good for you!! Just droppin by to say hi and

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    Not all things are good, not all things are bad. animal rescue painesville . Though it's nice that you "feel bad", animal testing is not all

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    Animal Rights and Abuse question: What are the good things for animal testing? NOTHING! All it does is test beauty products and see if they are safe for

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    Good things about testing is we may find cures for breast cancer or aids one day But recognise that not all animal testing occurs for medical reasons.

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    Sep 17, 2007 The alternative to animal testing is not “no testing at all. .. Well im sorry to burst your bubble because its all well and good when your family is Animal testing is one of the cruelest things humans can do.

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    For now, though, it is important to discuss animal experimentation in general, animals so that the quality of life of all living things can be improved. Whether you feel good, bad, or indifferent about the use of animals in the

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    May 28, 2007 There's NO good reason 4 animal testing! Just because of our beauty and other unneccary things - animals are suffering, being caged and

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    Jan 5, 2009 The fact there isnt any Animal testing is very important to me. Green Packaging caught my attention, but they're all good things!

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    Sep 10, 2009 i don't like these animal testing things with all the percents and Other than that, good job! There was a lot of information packed into

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    Jul 11, 2007 If there were no animal testing what is the alternative human testing? Not all things are good, not all things are bad.

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    Apr 22, 2010 All the world's largest and most disease database Animals are good surrogates because of their similarities to humans. I agree with both sides, animal testing for petty thing like make-up is Wronge sorry america

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    Mar 17, 2006 Good luck with that one. More importantly though, that person who harms animals for ooh. i have an idea.lets all test things on bible bashers, i think animal testing is cruel and unfair. everyones views on it can

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    first of all animal testing should be illegal because all of these Most products tested most of the time don't make it to the shelves and that IS a good thing. . we'll be able to move beyond any testing on any living thing,

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    15 posts - 4 authorsanimal 'testing' is ok cause they are not as smart as humans . So all that happens when we try to regulate things is that exploitation is prolonged because abolition . but also they do a whole lot of good and raise consciousness.

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    A chair that is broken may not be very good to sit on but nevertheless it's Richard Ryder: I don't think these things make us morally superior. Richard Ryder: This is all very interesting and true but it's totally irrelevant morally . You cannot say that animal experimentation is acceptable within limits

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    8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Mar 27, 2009i think animal testing is one the most IMMORAL things done by humans . All these reactions can be found during extensive animal testing.

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    "Using animals is a good way to find out whether products like polish, What do you think about testing things like nail polish and shampoo on animals?

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    I think that animal testing is not good.But I think it helps in some things . I disagree doing animal testing for things that don't threaten human life, I would love to say let's stop all animal testing but if someone I loved

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    The bad news for good humans opposed to fighting animal testing in the west animals because humans and animals have different things in their body and . like all those other people i am doing a debate on animal testing… and this

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    "Likewise, the person who does the testing also has to be in good polarity, If you test 40 different things and all 40 test positive, however,

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    May 15, 2007 In the history of animal testing, many good things have come from it. . May 8, 2009 It had all the pros and cons of animal testing,

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    Aug 24, 2007 Well in a way animal testing is a good thing because not all the .. r forced to do things hope all those people testing out there know

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    The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals--a world that Animal testing is very cruel. Just lOOK at it as if you were that animal. and cruelty. who needs things that animals are used for like makeup just look on the now go for another 5000. congrats and good luck. Membership-milestone

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    Apr 26, 2010 To all you mealy-mouthed pro-animal rights advocates: Put your .. He was even quoted saying that increased animal use was good for business. .. We force them to go into testing and do things they don't want to do.

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    Aug 13, 2009 We do use all those things as filters before a compound even sees its .. It really captures all the saliant points about animal testing in pharma. . Humans, by and large, take pretty good care of animals today.

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    20 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Jun 3, 2004I personally don't see what's so wrong with animal testing. . and the testing is necassary, then do it. It all comes down to I think Animal testing is dreadfull! and WELL WRONG! when it comes to testing things for humans! their cat food is good for cats's livers, hence a rise in profits.

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    Nov 10, 2008 What things could be done to cut animal testing for good? thanks! . I do not believe that all animal testing should be banned.

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    Oct 2, 2007 I dont think that animal testing is a good thing. In the UK all animal testing of cosmetics has been banned for years, .. i say no to animal testing coz it is wrong. things that may work on people would probley

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    Setting aside whether animal-testing yields good results for treating okay i have a few things to say. first of all i think animal testing is wrong.

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    I'm all for a good economy, but it would be nice to have a government that didn' t human being who wants to create things to solve problems and help others, I wish to see all animal research abolished and agree to live without

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    Jul 30, 2004 "There are still things that must be studied in a living organism, "We want to replace all animal experimentation, but an immediate ban isn't the answer. You have to have safe and effective products and good-quality

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    good reasons for animal testing. time to say good beye all good things club remix. distinguished math award good will hunting

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    Over 3 million animals have beentormented all in the name of research. These animals will be used for Senseless animal testing is used to test animals for Animals are used to learn the many different things about how cosmetics have on I think that this is a really good idea because the only reason that

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    May 12, 2010 Belegenza is fantastic for all hair types, especially ethnic or textured hair. and when they looked so good, we made a product called Goochii Poochii ! www . Well, I feel that certain things are already understood about Anything you would like to add on about animal testing please do.

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    Jan 14, 2010 a debate I'm doing about animal testing. THANK GOD I'M ON THE CON SIDE! think of all the good things that cum form animal testing and then i

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    NO preservatives, artifical colors, fragrances, animal testing or animal derived ingredients. All Natural All Good Things, LLC Madison, IN contact us:

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    Jan 9, 2010 Good Science - Bad Science & Human Cost of Testing, Youtube videos . 10 Things Animal Exploiters Do Not Want You to Know - March 2008 . from the public virtually all information about its animal-research programs.

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    What are Buddhist views on animal testing and battery farming? . This is all very heady stuff and while it is good to contemplate such things it is good

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    They can become tremendously lonely and bored unless they have things to play with But, we can make good guesses about which experiments should be done and Animals of all ages are used in research, so an animal may be euthanized

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    Mar 19, 2004 Ok, so maybe not all animal testing is good. Don´t test cute puppies. In addition, it's the natural order of things. Man over beast.

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    Jul 23, 2009 Peter, is there no good cause, no hand-wringing, worthy enterprise for Three things that are worth pointing out about animal research. Perhaps non-animal methods cannot yet replace all animal testing but they

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    animal testing for cosmetic and domestic purposes is wrong and unecessary as . queueNelly Furtado - All Good Things (Come To An End) 1 of 404303781 views

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    Thus, all live animal use in research, teaching or testing must be reviewed of a choice between two or more things, implying that good medical research

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    So what's one less baby elephant or endangered Koala donated to a good laboratory cause? Sure animals die during the testing phase all of the time, to say these things about animal testing being fine and see how they like it .

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    Aug 9, 2007 ANIMAL TESTING IS SOO WRONG, IM 13. PEOPLE HU CAN DO ALL THIS TO ANIMALS . Places like Wallgreens and CVS are good places to do this. and

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    "Whats the good things about animal testing???" - Find the answer to this All Answers, Oldest to Newest, Newest to Oldest, Rated Highest to Lowest

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    Not all things are good, not all things are bad. animal rescue painesville . about things and instead of saying how bad animal testing is they should be.

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    Jan 14, 2010 think of all the good things that cum form animal testing and then that Andy guy comes and does a essay about saying its not beneficial

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    Feb 17, 2008 Very good post. We should all boycott these companies that test on animals. I do not support animal testing in any form and in this day and age . do animals any good when they do such radical things like comparing

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    Nov 23, 2008 Normally, such things would not happen to these animals. using animals in this way is even more abhorrent if the accuracy of the results is in any doubt at all. animal experimentation. very good article.

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    Is animal testing on products good or bad???: I'm all okay with things that have to do with medical ingredients or yeah. Like how they test new things

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    On occasion, animals are sacrificed for the good of humans. Animal rights, PETA, animal testing, these are all things that are debated throughly from

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    Feb 1, 2008 All things are equal on a degree. Because the most basic laws of As for animal testing on.."Unneeded things" again, its their fate. And the Nature of "need and carelessness against the good of another" Of Humans.

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    When thinking about animal testing, the first thing that pops into most people's An example of all of the good that has come from animal testing is the

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    We offer free example essays on Animal Testing, Animal Cruelty papers, They have things today in some colleges where you don t have to manually dissect anything So, the animal is adopted taken home and all is good for a while.

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    GOOD THINGS ABOUT ANIMAL TESTING? TESTING. Cruelty to Critters. Page 2. . Dec 9, 2009 Popular definitions of animal testing all describe the use of Cells

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    Animal testing on the animals is fairly small compared to the whole species. All I have for now! And by the way, I thank my opponent for a good debate. But if that is the case why should we subject animals to do things we know

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    Animal Testing Should Be Banned · All Good Things on Animal Testing · Support for Animal Testing · Advantages of Animal Testing.

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    Jun 10, 2009 Animal testing began as early as the dawn of modern civilization, be as good a doctor to my cat today. Some things are just necessary.

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    Jul 29, 2008 A tipster says that there is "a government animal testing Other discussions | Show all discussions | Show featured discussions only | Expand all replies Collapse all replies The 10 Worst Things About Summer

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    Fact: Without animal testing, many things besides cosmetics would be gone, . queueNelly Furtado - All Good Things (Come To An End) 1 of 404303781 views

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    Feb 7, 2008 “We appreciate all of the public input we've received to develop this plan and look forward Tags: 3Rs, alternative animal testing, alternative testing, iccvam 6 record holding animals you'll never be as good as

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    May 15, 2007 In the history of animal testing, many good things have come from it. Despite all these good medical advances, people are still against

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    Dec 17, 2009 This was done and this criminal animal testing junk science will continue, .. To all the Good hearts on this blog Good Cheer! Such things have no place in a public biology or earth science classroom and it's

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    Sep 7, 2006 And they don't want animal testing in their pomegranate juice. They're widely distributed. There are several good alternatives, .. Fear, pain, lonlyness.. are all the things going through their minds.

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    Ratbecca, I think that animal testing does just as much bad as good. . Animals are not ment for testing, all they want to do is love you. . Somber R . Dean, this is very good now give some good things on animal testing.

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    Dec 18, 2007 All decent minded and thinking people hate animal testing. also i would like to add that doing cruel things to animal like animal

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    I wish companies would do things like this more often and make it clear, . Are all Tom's products completely free of animal testing? environmentally responsible it would be good to see some of their testing methods be used by the

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    That is not to say that all animal testing is acceptable. I don't think its ethical, butsome good things ahve come from it, right?

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    Jun 28, 2008 Animal Testing Alternative? But there's some good news on this The FDA, EPA, and CPSC have all given approval to two animal alternative testing methods for slaughtered for things like steaks and chicken nuggets.

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    People shouldn't kill innocent animals so they can look good or be lazy. We should respect all living things. A human's life is not worth more than an

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    I think this is a good thing I ever buy anything that is tested on animals because not hurting animals by using those shampoos and other things that were tested on them I stopped using all the products that use animal testing .

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    Not all things are good, not all things are bad. animal rescue painesville . about things and instead of saying how bad animal testing is they should be

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    Just because animals can't speak or do some of the things we do, people treat I feel like those protesting animal rights have a very good point, I think all animal testing is wrong! It doesnt matter if scientists are able to

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    Animal testing has its good and bad points. It all depends on which side you are on there are many things in particular which prove animal testing to be

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    9 Good Things The Internet Has Ruined Forever - OMG Lists - When we All Good Things on Animal Testing · Animal Research Is a Good Thing · All Good

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    Think of the good things that would come from a law against animal testing. . Can i ask, are u against all animal testing or just animal testing on

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    Apr 22, 2009 All things animal in Southern California and beyond I have yet to see a good argument for an alternative to animal testing other then

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    On my Animal Care course in college I have seen videos of things from pipes being bought it and though it says they are against animal testing on all their products And here are the good companies NON-ANIMAL TESTING COMPANIES

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    Apr 22, 2008 I always thought they did good things for all of us! .. i myself is against all animal testing but my family are only against it for

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    Dec 8, 2009 But it's all good folks. Live & let live, health considerations notwithstanding. . Now.is animal testing necessary in all circumstances? he's said all kinds of questionable things :S i almost have no choice but

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    When created, God declared His animals as "good". (Genesis 1:25) . Let us make things right. Works Cited. all-creatures.org. Animal Exploitation Photo

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    Top questions and answers about All-Good-Things-on-Animal-Testing. Find 13 questions and answers about All-Good-Things-on-Animal-Testing at Ask.com Read

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    They should test all the things they test on animals, on animal rights activists . Same as we should allowed to hunt, hunt protesters. Conservation is a good

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    Some of us wholeheartedly support all animal testing as life saving progress. . most end up on the "Animal Rights people are nuts/ Science is Good" side of the . even citing—of all things for a kids' book featuring cute critters—a

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    1 Oct 2007 All of you who have agreed that animal testing is good are tossers . 15 May 2007 In the history of animal testing, many good things have come

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    Find 13 questions and answers about All-Good-Things-on-Animal-Testing at Jan 14, 2010 think of all the good things that cum form animal testing and then

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    Oct 12, 2008 Yet, after all the gruesome things scientists do to animals in animal I think animal testing is good because animals DESERVE TO DIE!

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    Mar 24, 2007 Animal testing is good. No animal's life is worth the life of a human But I think that all animal testing should be banned for things

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    I understand what you are all trying to say animal testing is wrong but if .. good point about other options. we have none. it's either test things on

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    (Simulations can produce surprises due to things other than emergence; . My own modest suggestion is for all medical testing to be carried out on animal good computer simulations then there'd be a lot more animal testing needed.

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    41 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 2not all makeup is animal tested, theres "green" makeup and natural . fuzzy Ken "In G-d We Trust". No, common sense is that things that

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